Junky Library

trinkets, trifles, unimportant, nonsense, nonsensical, junky things...

Monday, November 27, 2006

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, The Shining holds the record for the film with most retakes of a single scene (with spoken dialogue) at 127 takes. The participant in those retakes was Shelley Duvall. Jack Nicholson asked Stanley Kubrick to take it easy on the aging Scatman Crothers after the actor broke down crying, "What do you want, Mr. Kubrick?"

* Sylvia Miles had the shortest performance ever nominated for an Oscar in Midnight Cowboy. Her entire role lasted only six minutes in the movie "Midnight Cowboy"

What occupation was on famous gangster Al Capone's business card?

His business card reportedly described him as a used furniture dealer.

Uniqe Pulitzer-winner president of USA

John F. Kennedy recieved the Pulitzer Prize with his book "Profiles in Courage", for history in 1957.

Best-seller author

Agatha Christie is the best seller writer in the whole entire world. She wrote 78 books and all of them sold over 2 billion.

Soundtrack Fever!

Saturday Night Fever (starring John Travolta, 1977) Movie Soundtrack is the best seller soundtrack in the world.
Sold over 30 million.

World's most expensive costume

Judy Garland's costume - as Dorothy - in the Wizard of Oz is the most expensive costume of whole times. It's worth is 324.188 $